Controlling the Controllables

While a lot of situations are currently out of our control…the pandemic, outbreaks, the weather, the past, other people’s decisions (no matter how they impact us), redundancies, salary cuts, other people’s unhappiness, time.

The things you can’t control in life can seriously disrupt your peace of mind. The line ‘it is what it is’ tells the world that you’ve accepted the current situation in its entirety and you are ready to move on.  Don’t waste your energy on something that wasn’t ever in your hands.

Make life what you want it to be

The only thing you have control over is yourself. You can only control the things that are within your power. You can take charge of your decisions, attitude and reactions.  Learn to let go of the things in life that are not in your control.

Yes, everything in life changes but if you think about it positively it also means nothing stays the same. Time is not in your hands, and amazing memories will fade but every day is a new day, where anything could happen. Look at change as an opportunity to do something new and exciting with life.

Stop looking at the current situation in its entirety, this will only lead to anxiety as so much of it is beyond your control, take one day at a time and change those things within your control. Accomplish small things on a daily basis…update your CV today, start a new job search tomorrow, and apply for a job by the end of the week.

In reality, if we look at how things were over 12 months ago, I bet there were a lot of things you weren’t happy about. Now is your opportunity to take charge of your life and do a self-audit. Make life what you want it to be. What does life need to look like to achieve that? Need to lose the Covid pounds…don’t wait until Monday to change your eating habits, need to cut down on your alcohol consumption, don’t buy the wine! Need to find a job that you don’t dread waking up to every day? Then look at what you want to do, look at the jobs market, look at your skills, and take this time to really find a job you want instead of jumping from the frying pan into the fire!


Pause, take a breath and evaluate.


Only you can make things happen but that’s not to say there isn’t help out there. Join that online class to upskill, reach out to recruitment agencies to help you match your skillset to a suitable job or simply ask for advice on how to improve your CV.

And yes the future, like the past, isn’t in your control. You can try and put together a five-year plan, or figure out where you’ll be every step of the way.  Maybe you’ll change your career path or decide to pursue your wildest dreams. These things are unexpected, and honestly the best parts of life.

Learn to let go of where you think you’re supposed to be and focus on where you are right now.

And remember if that email pings when you are in the middle of something else, do you really need to slavishly answer it that minute?  Will it wait until you have completed the current take in hand?  It might be only a small thing but making these small changes can make a huge difference.

Stay safe, stay sane but more importantly be happy.  Embrace today…maybe simply sticking your head out the window and experiencing the joy of Solo experiences doing it is all you need to do today!

When you are ready, we’re here. PE Global Recruitment Consultants are more than happy to help. Simply drop us an email at and let us help you find a job to make you happy.

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