Keep growing, keep evolving, keep succeeding

Don’t let the current bleak situation knock your career confidence. You are still that confident go-getter that you were before this pandemic hit.

Sometimes our inner critic takes over, especially when we are in isolation and the voice inside us becomes louder as there are no work colleagues around you to drown it out!

Don’t underestimate the importance of first impressions and your CV is just that

People with a really strong inner critic, especially those who suffer from imposter syndrome, will struggle during these times with visualising how they are going to get ahead. Some people are happy to simply get through the weeks and months and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. We are doing well to get from day to day at the moment. If, however, you are struggling with self-promotion don’t let yourself unravel and stop listening to that inner critic.

Ignore that confidence gremlin, the one who tells you that you are not good enough and holds you back. No one is doing this to you, or saying this to you, except that irritating mischievous inner creature. This irrational belief can have consequences that will result in you not making those career progressions that you are well and truly capable of making.

If you are still working from home, this isn’t all you are doing. You are at home, working, parenting, and doing your best to stay sane in the midst of a crisis, unlike anything we have experienced before. It’s easier said than done but try and remove the pressure from everything…if you’ve got pants on today, well then that’s a great start…applaud yourself!

Be confident. Stop focussing on your weaknesses and gain a realistic view of what you do well.

Be happy. The more you use happiness as an ally, the more it helps you get into a happy workflow.

Invest in yourself. Be productive in a totally different way by focusing on a passion. Learn to hone your belly dancing skills, knit a scarf for that oh-so-lucky person in your life, and beat your PB for a 5k run by just 1 second! Sounds stupid? Not if it boosts your confidence, increases your morale and proves to you, and you alone, that you have the ability to learn something new.

We all know the world of hiring has changed but what companies want to see is that you have the ability to adapt, not that you are a ‘know-it-all’ but that you are a ‘learn-it-all’. They want someone who is capable of learning, adapting and growing with the company.

Reach out to your network during this time…are you still in contact with your first boss? Or your college lecturer? Use all the social media platforms available to you to widen your network – Linkedin, Twitter, and Instagram. I’ll leave off Facebook unless your ex is CEO of a multinational company that you really really want to work with (but do you really really want to work with her/him!).

Finally, if you’re interested in working at PE Global, you can find all our available roles on our careers page.

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